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[See also -  Rapid Color Guide to BFS Butterflies]


NOTES: The following list is necessarily a preliminary account of the invertebrate diversity at BFS. Many species on this list exist in a reference collection at the BFS. Please send records (and where possible, specimens) of additional species to Wallace Meyer, BFS Director.

Photos: Links labeled ‘BFS’ show photographs in the BFS photo database. Most of these were taken at the BFS, although a few were taken at other nearby locations. BFS photos may be used for any personal or academic purposes as long as notification of use is sent to the BFS Webmaster and the image is clearly credited with ©[Name of photographer]. For higher-resolution images, please contact the photographer. Note that no photos taken at the BFS may be used for commercial purposes without the express permission of the Claremont University Consortium. You must have pop-ups enabled to view the BFS pages.

‘CP’ links will return all photographs of the listed taxon in the CalPhotos, Digital Library Project database. ‘BG’ and ‘AW’ links connect to the corresponding taxon pages in BugGuide and AntWeb, respectively. To use images from CalPhotos and BugGuide, you must check the stipulations for each photographer. AntWeb images are subject to their Attribution-Share Alike Creative Commons License, as explained on the AntWeb site.

Acknowlegments: Many thanks to the people who have contributed to this list by collecting specimens, submitting photographs, and sharing observations, including Jonathan Wright, Dwight Taylor, Hartmut Wisch, Molly Rightmyer Gee, Harsi Parker, Maya Nakamura, Connor Smith, Nancy Hamlett, Susan Schenk, Paul Stapp, Richard Rojo, Weston Staubus, Dakota Spear, Tessa Adams, Elise Boyd, Clayton Ziemke Madison Dipman, Ashish Streatfield, and the San Gabriel Valley Mosquito & Vector Control District. We are also very grateful to the many additional folks who have helped with identification, including Doug Yanega, UC Riverside Entomology Museum; Jim Hogue, Cal State Northridge Biology Department; Molly Rightmyer Gee, San Diego Natural History Museum; Andy Hamilton, Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes; John Ascher, American Museum of Natural History; Andy Calderwood, Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office; David Furguson, Rio Grande Botanic Garden; Adriean Mayor, Great Smoky Mountains National Park; David Smith, Smithsonian Institution; Ken Davenport, Josiah Gilbert, and Robert Martin at Butterflies and Moths of North America; Kimberly Franklin, University of Arizona; Sandra Brantley, University of New Mexico; and all the other folks at BugGuide.

Taxonomic group/species Common name Specific location found Photos & Descriptions


      Ephydatia fluviatilis (a freshwater sponge) pHake Lake


Hydra oligactis (strain CA05a) Brown Hydra pHake Lake
Hydra viridissima (strain CA05b) Green Hydra pHake Lake


Subclass Digenea

Cercaria larvae

(a trematode fluke) pHake Lake BFS
Dugesia tigrina (freshwater planarian) pHake Lake
Microplana sp. (a planarian) Under logs, pHake Lake


Pseudocorynosoma sp.

either P. anatarium or P. constrictum

(an acanthocephalan) Hyallela azteca, pHake Lake

only known from the cystacanth larvae in Hyallela



Hexarthra sp. (a rotifer) pHake Lake BFS


Class Clitellata, Subclass Oligochaeta (Earthworms & their relatives)

Allolobophora sp. (species need verification) (an earthworm) General
Chaetogaster diaphanus (a segmented worm) pHake Lake BFS
Family Enchytraeidae (potworms) Under logs, Lakeside
Octolasion sp. (an earthworm) Under logs, Lakeside

Class Clitellata, Subclass Hirudinea (Leeches)

Gloiobdella elongata (a leech) pHake Lake
Gloiobdella triserialis (a leech) pHake Lake
Helobdella triserialis (a leech) pHake Lake
Helobdella stagnalis (a leech) pHake Lake


Deroceras panormitanum Long-necked Fieldslug General CP
Deroceras (Agriolimax) reticulatum Gray Field Slug BFS, CP
Ferrissia californica

Also reported as Ferrissia fragilis

Fragile Ancylid pHake Lake

on cattail stems or blades that have a thin coat of organic growth, but not on those with mud or a thick organic film

Physa acuta (agg.)

Previously known as Haitia mexicana and as Physella (Costatella) heterostropha cupreonitens

(a freshwater snail) pHake Lake, old toad pond

crawling on lake bottom or on dead wood and leaves

Helix aspersa Garden Snail Lakeside, in litter behind houses BFS, CP
Helminthoglypta tudiculata Southern California Shoulderband General

Particularly common in patches of dead prickly pear

Limax flavus Yellow Slug Logs lakeside BFS
Limnophysa palustris (a freshwater snail) pHake Lake
Milax gagates Jet Greenhouse Slug Under coverboard, lakeside BFS, CP
Planorbella duryi

Also listed as Helisoma duryi

Seminole Rams-horn, Red Rams-horn pHake Lake

crawling on lake bottom or on dead wood and leaves

Pseudosuccinea columella American Ribbed Fluke Snail pHake Lake

at or just above water surface on floating leaves or dead wood

Punctum californicum Ribbed Spot Snail

Under dead wood in deep oak litter, near Infirmary

Vallonia pulchella Lovely Vallonia

Under dead wood in deep oak litter, near Infirmary



Class Arachnida (Spiders, scorpions, mites, & their relatives)

Order Araneae (Spiders)

Family Agelenidae (Funnel Weavers)

Subfamily Ageleninae (a funnel web spider) pitfall trap BFS, BG
Calilena restricta (a funnel web spider) pitfall trap BG
Hololena curta (a funnel web spider) Low vegetation BFS, BG
Tegenaria pagana (a funnel web spider) pitfall trap

Family Amaurobiidae (Hacklemesh Weavers)

Amaurobius latescens (a hacklemesh weaver) pitfall trap

Family Araneidae (Orb Weavers)

Argiope aurantia Black and Yellow Garden Spider Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Araneus andrewsi

probable, not confirmed by dissection

(an orb weaver) BFS gate BFS, BG
Araniella displicata Sixspotted Orbweaver Toyon, along drive BFS, BG, CP
Metepeira sp. (an orb weaver)

Web on Eriogonum gracile stems, east field

Neoscona oaxacensis Western Spotted Orbweaver web across lake trail BFS, BG

Family Corinnidae (Antmimics and Ground Sac Spiders)

Meriola californica pitfall trap BG
Phrurotimpus mateonus pitfall trap

Family Cyrtaucheniidae (Wafer Trapdoor Spiders)

Aptostichus atomarius San Bernardino Hills Trapdoor Spider pitfall trap BG

Family Dictynidae (Mesh Web Weavers)

Blabomma grandis (a mesh web weaver) pitfall trap
Cicurina sp. 1 (a mesh web weaver) pitfall trap BG
Emblyna olympiana (a mesh web weaver) pitfall trap
Yorima angelica (a mesh web weaver) pitfall trap

Family Dysderidae (Woodlouse Hunters)

Dysdera crocata Woodlouse Hunter Under logs, pitfall traps BG

Family Gnaphosidae (Ground Spiders)

Callilepsis eremella (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Callilepsis gosoga (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Drassodes angulus (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Drassodes saccatus (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Drassyllus insularis (a ground spider) pitfall trap BG
Drassylus lamprus pitfall trap
Drassylus proclesis (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Gnaphosa californica (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Haplodrassus maculatus (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Haplodrassus signifer (a ground spider) pitfall trap BG
Micaria deserticola (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Micaria jeanae (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Scopoides nesiotes (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Trachyzelotes barbatus (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Urozelotes rusticus (a ground spider) pitfall trap BG
Zelotes gynethus (a ground spider) pitfall trap
Zelotes nilicola (a ground spider) pitfall trap

Family Hahniidae (Dwarf Sheet Spiders)

Neoantistea agilis (a dwarf sheet spider) pitfall trap BG

Family Linyphiidae (Sheetweb and Dwarf Spiders)

Agyneta sp. (a sheetweb spider) pitfall trap BG
Spirembolus praelongus (a dwarf spider) pitfall trap
Spirembolus sp. 1 (a dwarf spider) pitfall trap
Wubana drassoides (a sheetweb spider) pitfall trap BG
Wubana suprema (a sheetweb spider) pitfall trap

Family Liocranidae (Liocranid Sac Spiders)

Apostenus californicus (a liocranid sac spider) pitfall trap

Family Lycosidae (Wolf Spiders)

Alopecosa kochi (a wolf spider) pitfall trap BG, CP
Pirata piraticus (a pirate wolf spider) pHake Lake, pitfall trap BFS, BG
Schizocosa mccooki (a wolf spider) pitfall trap BG, CP

Family Oecobiidae (Wall spiders)

Oecobius navus Wall Spider pitfall trap BG

Family Oxyopidae (Lynx Spiders)

Peucetia viridans Green Lynx Spider



Family Philodromidae (Running Crab Spiders)

Titanebo californicus (a running crab spider) pitfall trap

Family Pholcidae (Cellar Spiders)

Psilochorus utahensis (a cellar spider) pitfall trap BG

Family Phrurolithidae

Phrurolithus duncani pitfall trap
Neozimiris sp. 1 pitfall trap

Family Salticidae (Jumping Spiders)

Anasaitis canosa Twinflagged Jumping Spider pitfall trap BG
Chalcoscirtus diminutus (a jumping spider) pitfall trap BG
Habronattus sp. Buckwheat pitfall trap BFS, BG
Habronattus sp. 1 (a jumping spider) pitfall trap BG
Habronattus pyrrithrix (a jumping spider) Dead wood BFS, BG
Phidippus johnsoni Johnson Jumper Cholla, Phacelia, Buckwheat, Datura, pitfall trap BFS, BG
Family Salticidae, unidentified sp. (a jumping spider) BFS, BG
Salticidae sp. 2 (a jumping spider) pitfall trap BG
Thiodina hespera (a jumping spider) Classroom, grape BFS, BG

Family Tengellidae (Tengellid Spiders)

Socalchemmis dolichopus (a tengellid spider) pitfall trap

Family Tetragnathidae (Long-jawed Orb Weavers)

Tetragnatha sp. (a longjawed orbweaver) Cattails BFS, BG, CP

Family Theraphosidae (Tarantulas)

Aphonopelmaeutylenum type” California Ebony Tarantula Dirt road BFS, BG, CP

Family Theridiidae (Cobweb Spiders)

Asagena fulva (a cobweb spider) pitfall trap BG
Enoplognatha marmorata Marbled Cobweb Spider pitfall trap BG
Latrodectus hesperus Western Black Widow Classroom, Field House BFS, BG, CP
Theridion californicum (a cobweb spider) pitfall trap BG

Family Thomisidae (Crab Spiders)

Mecaphesa sp. (a crab spider)


Misumenoides formosipes Whitebanded Crab Spider

Misumenops sp. (a crab spider)

Xysticus sp. (a ground crab spider) ground, pitfall trap BFS, BG, CP
Xysticus californicus (a ground crab spider) pitfall trap BG
Xysticus montanensis (a ground crab spider) pitfall trap BG

Order Opiliones (Harvestmen)

Mitopus californicus (a harvestman) Logs, Lakeside
Nemastoma modesta (a harvestman) Pitfalls

Order Pseudoscorpiones (Pseudoscorpions)

Order Pseudoscorpiones, unindentified sp. (a pseudoscorpion) Pitfalls BG

Order Scorpiones (Scorpions)

Superstitionia donensis Superstition Mountains Scorpion Pitfalls BFS, BG, CP

Order Solifugae (Windscorpions)

Eremobates sp. (a windscorpion) Pitfalls BG

Subclass Acari (Mites & ticks)

Aceria paracalifornica Sagebrush Gall Mite Artemisia BFS
Family Erythraeidae, unidentified sp. (a trombidiform mite) Camissoniopsis BFS, BG
Paratarsotomus macropalpis (a mite) BFS
Parateneriffia sp. (a mite) BFS
Piona sp. (a mite) pHake Lake BG

Class Chilopoda (Centipedes)

Geophilomorph centipede (species need verification)
Lithobius forficatus (a stone centipede) under cover board BFS, BG
Scolopendra polymorpha Common/Sonoran Desert Centipede Common BFS, BG, CP
Scutigera coleoptrata House Centipede BG, CP

Class Diplopoda (Millipedes)

Family Atopetholidae, unidentified sp.

Possibly Atopetholus californicus

(spirobolid millipedes) On ground BFS
Hiltonius pulchrus (a spirobolid millipede) Pitfalls BFS
Family Spirobolidae, undetermined sp.

Either Hiltonius pulchrus or Tylobolus claremontus

(spirobolid millipedes) Ptifalls, under rocks and litter BFS, BG
Tylobolus claremontus (a spirobolid millipede) Under rocks and litter, esp. E Amherst Drive

Class Symphyla (Pseudocentipedes)

Unidentified sp. Common under logs BG

Class Branchiopoda (Branchiopods)

Order Anostraca (Fairy Shrimp)

Branchinecta lindahli Versatile Fairy Shrimp Vernal pools

Order Diplostraca, Suborder Cladocera (Water fleas)

Camptocercus rectirostris (a water flea) pHake Lake
Chydorus sp. (a water flea) pHake Lake BFS
Daphnia magna (a water flea) pHake Lake
Simocephalus sp. (a water flea) pHake Lake BG

Class Malacostraca (Malacostracans)

Order Amphipoda (Amphipods)

Hyalella azteca (an amphipod) pHake Lake BFS

Order Isopoda (Isopods)

Armadillidium vulgare Pillbug Logs, Lakeside BG, CP
Porcellio dilatatus (a woodlouse) Logs, Lakeside BFS, BG, CP
Porcellio laevis (a woodlouse) Logs, Lakeside BG
Porcellionides pruinosus (a woodlouse) Logs, Lakeside BG

Order Decapoda (Crabs, crayfish, lobsters, & shrimp)

Unidentified sp. (a crayfish) pHake Lake

Class Maxillopoda, Subclass Copepoda (Copepods)

Family Canthocamptidae, Unindentified sp.
Family Cyclopidae, Unindentified sp.
Cyclops varicans rubellus pHake Lake BFS
Cyclops vernalis   BFS
Diaptomus pallidus pHake Lake
Eucyclops agilis pHake Lake BFS

Class Ostracoda (Ostracods)

Chlamydotheca sp. pHake Lake
Cypretta sp. pHake Lake

Class Protura (Proturans or coneheads)

Acerentomon sp. Berlese funnel extract

Class Collembola (Springtails & allies)

Isotoma sp. (>2 other spp.) Pitfalls BG

Class Insecta (Insects)

Order Archaeognatha (Bristletails)

Mesomachilis sp. (a jumping bristletail) Pitfalls
Family Meinertellidae, unidentified sp. (a rock bristletail) BFS, BG

Order Zygentoma (Silverfish)

Allacrotelsa spinulata Driveway BFS
Leucolepisma arenaria Pitfalls

Order Odonata (Dragonflies & damselflies)

Suborder Zygoptera (Damselflies)

Argia vivida Vivid Dancer BG, CP
Enallagma sp. (an American bluet) Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Enallagma civile Familiar Bluet pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Ischnura cervula Pacific Forktail pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Telebasis salva Desert Firetail BFS, BG

Suborder Anisoptera (Dragonflies)

Anax junius Common Green Darner BFS, BG, CP
Brechmorhoga mendax Pale-faced Clubskimmer BG
Erythemis collocata Western Pondhawk BFS, BG, CP
Libellula croceipennis Neon Skimmer pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Libellula saturata Flame Skimmer pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Pachydiplax longipennis Blue Dasher pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Pantala sp.

Likely either P. flavescens (Wandering Glider) or P. hymenaea (Spot-winged Glider)

(a rainpool glider) larvae in toad pond BFS, BG, CP
Perithemis intensa Mexican Amberwing pHake Lake BFS, BG
Rhionaeschna multicolor

Formerly Aeshna multicolor

Blue-eyed Darner pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Sympetrum corruptum Variegated Meadowhawk pHake Lake, toad pond BFS, BG, CP
Sympetrum illotum Cardinal Meadowhawk BFS, BG, CP
Tramea lacerata Black Saddlebags pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Tramea onusta Red Saddlebags BFS, BG

Order Orthoptera (Grasshoppers, katydids, & crickets)

Family Acrididae, unidentified sp. (a short-horned grasshopper) Calabazilla BG
Aglaothorax sp. Ovate Shieldback Pitfalls BFS, BG
Cibolacris parviceps Cream Grasshopper BFS, BG
Gryllus sp. (a field cricket) Pitfalls BFS, BG
Melanoplus sp. (a grasshopper) BFS, BG, CP
Melanoplus cinereus cyanipes Grayish Sagebrush Grasshopper BFS, BG
Melanoplus devastator Devastating Grasshopper Dried brome BFS, BG
Psoloessa texana Texas Spotted Range Grasshopper BFS, BG
Schistocerca sp.

Likely S. shoshone, the Green Bird Grasshopper, but the taxonomy of this group is confused.

(a bird grasshopper) Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Stenopelmatus sp. (fuscus?) Jerusalem Cricket Pitfalls, leaf litter BFS, BG, CP
Oecanthus sp. Tree Cricket Pitfalls BFS, BG, CP
Trimerotropis fontana Fontana Grasshopper Artemisia BFS, BG, CP
Trimerotropis pallidipennis Pallidwinged Grasshopper BFS, BG, CP

Order Dermaptera (Earwigs)

Euborellia annulipes Ring-legged Earwig BG
Forficula auricularia European Earwig BFS, BG, CP

Order Embiidina (Webspinners)

Haploembia solieri (a web spinner) Pitfall, under oak BG, CP

Order Mantodea (Mantids)

Family Mantidae, unidentified sp. (egg case)

Could be Stagmomantis californica, Stagmomantis limbata, or Mantis religiosa.

(a mantis) BFS, BG
Stagmomantis sp.

Either S. californica or S. limbata

(a mantis) Laurel sumac BFS, BG, CP
Stagmomantis californica California Mantis Shrubbery, infirmary BFS, BG, CP

Order Blattodea (Cockroaches & Waterbugs)

Eremoblatta subdiaphana North American Desert Cockroach Pitfalls, widespread BFS, BG
Parcoblatta americana American Wood Cockroach Wood, under oaks BFS, BG, CP

Order Isoptera (Termites)

Reticulitermes hesperus Western Subterranean Termite Logs, Lakeside BG, CP

Order Hemiptera (True bugs)

Family Alydidae (Broad-headed Bugs)

Tollius sp. (a broad-headed bug) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Family Aphididae (Aphids)

Family Aphididae, unidentified sp. Aphids Amsinckia, Yerba Santa, Sahara Mustard BFS, BG

Family Cercopidae (Common Spittlebugs)

Family Cercopidae, unidentified sp. Spittlebugs Artemisia BFS, BG, CP

Family Cicadellidae (Leafhoppers)

Tribe Athysanini, unidentified sp. (a leafhopper) Croton, Camissoniopsis BFS, BG
Family Cicadellidae, unidentified sp. (a leafhopper) Robber fly prey BFS, BG
Euscelis variegatus (a leafhopper) On rock by lake BFS, BG, CP
Exitianus sp. (a leafhopper) BFS, BG
Homalodisca (a sharpshooter) Coyote Bush BG
Neokolla sp. (a sharpshooter) Calabazilla BFS, BG

Family Cicadidae (Cicadas)

Diceroprocta apache Apache Cicada BG
Okanagana sp. (a cicada) molts on pine-bush BFS, BG, CP

Family Clastopteridae (Spittlebugs)

Clastoptera sp. (a spittlebug) horseweed BFS, BG

Family Coreidae (Leaffooted Bugs)

Catorhintha apicalis (a leaffooted bug) Mirabilis BFS, BG
Chelinidea vittiger Cactus Coreid Prickly-pear, Cholla BFS, BG
Narnia sp. (a leaffooted bug) Cactus, Calabazilla BFS, BG

Family Corixidae (Water Boatmen)

Corisella sp. pHake Lake, toad pond BG

Family Dactylopiidae (Cochineal Insects)

Dactylopius sp. Cochineal Prickly-Pear BFS, BG

Family Diaspididae (Armored Scale Insects)

Aspidiotus nerii Oleander Scale

Family Dictyopharidae (Dictyopharid Planthoppers)

Orgerius sp. (a dictyopharid planthopper) Calabazilla, Horkelia BFS, BG, CP
Scolops sp. (a dictyopharid planthopper) Milkweed, Datura BG
Scolops abnormis (a dictyopharid planthopper) Milkweed, Datura BFS, BG

Family Geocoridae (Big-eyed Bugs)

Geocoris sp. Big-eyed Bug Dove Weed BG

Family Gerridae (Water Striders)

Family Gerridae, unidentified sp. Water Striders New toad pond BG

Family Hebridae (Velvet Water Bugs)

Merragata hebroides (a velvet water bug) pHake Lake BG

Family Issidae (Issid Planthoppers)

Dictyobia sp. (an issid planthopper) Yerba Santa BFS, BG

Family Largidae (Bordered Plant Bugs)

Largus californicus (a bordered plant bug) Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Largus cinctus (a bordered plant bug) Buckwheat BG

Family Lygaeidae (Seed Bugs)

Lygaeus kalmii Small Milkweed Bug Milkweed, Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Melanopleurus belfragei Redcoat Seed Bug Scale-Broom BG
Neacoryphus bicrucis Whitecrossed Seed Bug Scale-Broom BFS, BG
Oncopeltus fasciatus Large Milkweed Bug Milkweed BFS, BG, CP
Xyonysius californicus California False Chinch Bug Wild grape BFS, BG

Family Membracidae (Treehoppers)

Micrutalis sp. (a treehopper) California Croton BFS, BG
Micrutalis occidentalis (a treehopper) California Croton BFS, BG

Family Mesoveliidae (Water Treaders)

Family Mesoveliidae, Unidentified sp. (water treaders) pHake Lake BG

Family Miridae (Plant Bugs)

Irbisia californica (a black grass bug) Grasses, Phacelia BFS, BG, CP
Lopidea marginata Scarlet Plant Bug Buckwheat BFS, BG
Lygus sp. (a tarnished plant bug) Milkweed BFS, BG, CP
Paraproba hamata (a plant bug) Coast Live Oak BFS, BG, CP
Plagiognathus sp.

Not P. moerens, perhaps P. verticalis

(a plant bug) Encelia BFS, BG
Plagiognathus moerens (a plant bug) Amsinckia BFS, BG
Pseudatomoscelis seriatus Cotton Fleahopper Doveweed BFS, BG

Family Notonectidae (Backswimmers)

Notonecta sp. (a backswimmer) pHake Lake BG, CP

Family Pentatomidae (Stink Bugs)

Agonoscelis puberula African Cluster Bug Horehound, Buckwheat, Datura, Amsinckia BFS, BG, CP
Bagrada hilaris Bagrada Bug Widespread, Mustard BFS, BG
Brochymena sp.

Either B. affinis or B. sulcata

(a rough stink bug) Horkelia BFS, BG, CP
Chlorochroa sayi Say's Stink Bug horseweed BFS, BG
Murgantia histrionica Harlequin Bug Bladderpod, Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Thyanta custator Red-shouldered Stink Bug Croton BFS, BG
Thyanta pallidovirens (a stinkbug) Yerba Santa BG, CP

Family Reduviidae (Assassin Bugs)

Apiomerus californicus Bee Assassin Grass BFS, BG, CP
Phymata sp. (a jagged ambush bug) Pine-Bush BFS, BG, CP
Phymata pacifica Pacific Ambush Bug Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Zelus renardii Leafhopper Assassin Bug Yerba Santa BFS, BG, CP
Zelus tetracanthus Four Spurred Assassin Bug Buckwheat BFS, BG

Family Rhopalidae (Scentless Plant Bugs)

Arhyssus sp. (a scentless plant bug) Robber fly prey, buckwheat, Horkelia BFS, BG
Boisea rubrolineata

Formerly Leptocorus rubrolineatus

Western Boxelder Bug BFS, BG, CP
Liorhyssus hyalinus Hyaline Grass Bug Eriastrum, Phacelia BFS, BG, CP

Family Scutelleridae (Shield-backed Bugs)

Homaemus parvulus (a shield-backed bug) Annual buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Order Thysanoptera (Thrips)

Unidentified species (thrips) Widespread on flowers BFS, BG

Order Raphidioptera (Snakeflies)

Agulla sp. (a snakefly) BFS, BG, CP

Order Neuroptera (Antlions, Lacewings, and Allies)

Brachynemurus sp. (larva) Common Antlion Pitfalls BG, CP
Chrysoperla sp. (a green lacewing) Phacelia BFS, BG, CP
Family Myrmeleontidae, unidentified sp.

Not Brachynemurus

(an antlion) Adult on skunkbush BFS, BG

Order Coleoptera (Beetles)

Family Buprestidae (Metallic Wood-boring Beetles)

Acmaeodera hepburnii (a metallic wood-boring beetle) Mallow BFS, BG, CP
Acmaeodera retifera (a metallic wood-boring beetle) Camissoniopsis BFS, BG, CP
Anambodera sp. (a metallic wood-boring beetle) Litter BFS, BG
Chrysobothris subcylindrica (a metallic wood-boring beetle) Buckwheat BFS, BG

Family Carabidae (Ground Beetles)

Calosoma sp. (a caterpillar hunter) Pitfalls BG, CP
Calosoma semilaeve Black Calosoma On ground, East Field BFS, BG

Family Cerambycidae (Longhorned Beetles)

Phoracantha semipunctata Eucalyptus Longhorn Borer Eucalyptus BG

Family Chrysomelidae (Leaf Beetles)

Acalymma trivittatum Western Striped Cucumber Beetle Calabazilla BFS, BG, CP
Altica sp. (a flea beetle) Yerba Santa BFS, BG
Family Chrysomelidae, Sub-Family Cryptocephalinae (a case-bearing leaf beetle)   BG
Cryptocephalus castaneus (a case-bearing leaf beetle) Willow BFS, BG
Cryptocephalus sanguinicollis sanguinicollis (a case-bearing leaf beetle) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Hemiglyptus basalis (a flea beetle) Yerba Santa BFS, BG
Lema daturaphila Three-lined Potato Beetle Datura BFS, BG, CP
Lema trivittata Three-lined Lema Beetle Datura BFS, BG, CP
Trirhabda eriodictyonis (a leaf beetle) Yerba Santa BFS, BG

Family Coccinellidae (Lady Beetles)

Coccinella septempunctata Seven-Spotted Lady Beetle Milkweed, Amsinckia, Penstemon BFS, BG, CP
Harmonia axyridis Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle   BFS, BG, CP
Hippodamia convergens Convergent Lady Beetle BFS, BG, CP
Hyperaspis trifurcata Trident Lady Beetle BFS, BG
Psyllobora vigintimaculata Twenty-Spotted Lady Beetle Grass by pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP

Family Dascillidae (Soft-bodied Plant Beetles)

Anorus sp.

Probable, needs confirmation

(a soft-bodied plant beetle) Olive BFS, BG
Anorus piceus (a soft-bodied plant beetle) Blacklight BFS, BG

Family Dermestidae (Carpet Beetles)

Anthrenus lepidus (a carpet beetle) Golden-yarrow BFS, BG, CP
Anthrenus sophonisba (a carpet beetle) Golden-yarrow BFS, BG

Family Elateridae (Click Beetles)

Family Elateridae, Sub-Family Prosterninae (a click beetle)   BFS, BG

Family Hydrophilidae (Water Scavenger Beetles)

Helochares normatus (a water scavenger beetle) pHake Lake BG
Paracymus sp. (a water scavenger beetle)   BG

Family Lampyridae (Fireflies)

Family Lampyridae,
unidentified sp.
Pink Glowworm BFS, BG

Family Meloidae (Blister Beetles)

Eupompha elegans Elegant Blister Beetle Eriastrum BFS, BG, CP

Family Melyridae (Soft-winged Flower Beetles)

Attalus sp. (a soft-winged flower beetle) Horkelia BFS, BG
Subfamily Dasytinae (a soft-winged flower beetle) Camissoniopsis, Horkelia BFS, BG
Eschatocrepis constrictus (a soft-winged flower beetle) Horkelia BFS, BG
Malachius capillicornis (a soft-winged flower beetle) Amsinckia BFS, BG
Tanaops sp. (a soft-winged flower beetle) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Trichochrous sp. (a soft-winged flower beetle) Camissoniopsis BFS, BG

Family Mordellidae (Tumbling Flower Beetles)

Family Mordellidae,
unidentified sp.
(a tumbling flower beetle) Cryptantha BG
Mordella hubbsi (a tumbling flower beetle) Horkelia BFS, BG

Family Mycetophagidae (Hairy Fungus Beetles)

Family Mycetophagidae, unidentified sp.

Possibly Litargus

(a hairy fungus beetle) Under bark BFS, BG

Family Nitidulidae (Sap-feeding Beetles)

Nitops pallipennis (a sap-feeding beetle) Prickly-Pear BFS, BG

Family Oedemeridae (False Blister Beetles)

Asclera excavata (a false blister beetle) Mustard BFS, BG

Family Scarabaeidae (Scarab Beetles)

Cotinis mutabilis Green Fruit Beetle BG, CP
Dichelonyx truncata (a scarab beetle) Elderberry, Pine-bush BFS, BG
Paracotalpa ursina
Little Bear BFS, BG, CP
Phobetus comatus (a scarab beetle) BG

Family Staphylinidae (Rove Beetles)

Subfamily Aleocharinae (a rove beetle) Under bark BG

Family Tenebrionidae (Darkling Beetles)

Apsena pubescens (a darkling beetle) Under rocks BFS, BG
Eleodes sp. (a desert stink beetle) BG, CP
Eleodes osculans Wooly Darkling Beetle

Under rocks; pitfall traps; rodent traps baited with peanut butter and oatmeal

Metoponium sp. (a darkling beetle) BFS, BG

Family Zopheridae (Ironclad Beetles)

Phloeodes diabolicus

Formerly Nosoderma diabolicum

Diabolical Ironclad Beetle Under logs BG, CP

Order Diptera (Flies)

Family Agromyzidae (Leaf Miner Flies)

Liriomyza sp.

The polyphagous species Liriomyza sativae and L. trifolii are the only leafminers that have been associated with Ricinus.

(a leaf miner fly) Castor Bean BFS, BG, CP

Family Apioceridae (Flower-loving Flies)

Apiocera sp. (a flower-loving fly) Fire road BFS, BG, CP

Family Asilidae (Robber Flies)

Asilidae, Unidentified sp. (a robber fly)   BG, CP
Cophura sp.

identification tentative

(a robber fly) Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Efferia albibarbis (a robber fly) On ground BFS, BG
Lestomyia sp. (a robber fly) Cholla BFS, BG
Machimus occidentalis (a robber fly) BFS, BG
Mallophora fautrix (a bee killer) BFS, BG
Neoitamus sp. (a robber fly) Coast Live Oak BFS, BG
Stenopogon sp.

Possibly S. antoniae

(a robber fly) Dried brome BFS, BG, CP
Stenopogon californiae (a robber fly) Milkweed, Redberry BFS, BG, CP
Stenopogon lomae (a robber fly) Gravel in fire road BFS, BG
Subfamily Stenopogoninae (a robber fly) With honey bee prey BFS, BG

Family Bibionidae (March Flies)

Bibio sp. (March flies) Widespread BG, CP

Family Bombyliidae (Bee Flies)

Anthrax varicolor (a bee fly)   BFS, BG
Aphoebantus sp. (a bee fly) Scale-Broom BFS, BG
Aphoebantus desertus (a bee fly)   BFS, BG
Aphoebantus interruptus (a bee fly)   BFS, BG
Aphoebantus mus (a bee fly)   BFS, BG
Aphoebantus transitus (a bee fly)   BFS, BG
Apolysis sp. (a bee fly) Horkelia BFS, BG, CP
Bombylius curtirhynchus (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Bombylius major Greater Bee Fly Fire road BFS, BG, CP
Conophorus cristatus

Probable, needs confirmation

(a bee fly) Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Conophorus fenestratus (a bee fly) Cryptantha BFS, BG
Conophorus nigripennis (a bee fly) Widespread BFS, BG
Chrysanthrax vanus (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Exoprosopa clarki (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Exoprosopa divisa (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Exoprosopa doris (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Geron (subgenus Geron) (a bee fly) California Aster BFS, BG
Hemipenthes sp.

Not H. sinuosa

(a bee fly) Dried brome BFS, BG
Hemipenthes sinuosa Sinuous Bee Fly Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Lordotus planus (a bee fly) Cryptantha BFS, BG
Paracosmus edwardsii (a bee fly) Horkelia BFS, BG
Paravilla syrtis (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Subfamily Phthiriinae

Probably Acreophthiria sp.

(a bee fly) Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Poecilognathus sp. (a bee fly) Telegraph weed BFS, BG
Poecilanthrax effrenus (a bee fly) Dried Brome and Buckwheat BFS, BG
Toxophora maxima (a hunchbacked bee fly) Dried Brome BFS, BG
Thyridanthrax atratus (a bee fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Thyridanthrax nugator (a bee fly) BFS, BG
Villa lateralis (a bee fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Villa sp. (a bee fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Family Family Calliphoridae (Blow Flies)

Family Calliphoridae, Unidentified sp. (blow flies)   BFS, BG
Chrysomya megacephala (a hairy maggot blow fly)   BFS, BG, CP
Lucilia sp. (a blow fly)   BFS, BG, CP

Family Chironomidae (Midges)

Chironomidae, unidentified sp.

Possibly Chironomus sp.

(a midge) pHake Lake BFS, BG
Subfamily Tanypodinae (a midge) Blacklight BFS, BG

Family Chloropidae (Frit Flies)

Chloropidae, unidentified sp. (a frit fly) Red Maids BFS, BG

Family Culicidae (Mosquitoes)

Anopheles freeborni

ID probable, needs confirmation

pHake Lake BG
Culex erythrothorax Tule Mosquito pHake Lake
Culex quinquefasciatus Southern House Mosquito pHake Lake BG
Ochlerotatus sierrensis

Formerly Aedes sierrensis

Western Treehole Mosquito pHake Lake BG

Family Dolichopodidae (Longlegged Flies)

Subfamily Diaphorinae (a longlegged fly) pHake Lake BFS, BG

Family Empididae (Dance Flies)

Subfamily Empidinae

Might be Rhamphomyia or Hilara.

(a dance fly) Horkelia BFS, BG
Rhamphomyia sp. (a dance fly) Widespread BFS, BG

Family Ephydridae (Shore Flies)

Paralimna sp. (a shore fly) pHake Lake BFS, BG

Family Heleomyzidae (Heleomyzid Flies)

Eccoptomera sp. (a heleomyzid fly) Yerba Santa BFS, BG

Family Milichiidae (Freeloader Flies)

Family Milichiidae, unidentified sp. (a freeloader fly) Indian Fig Cactus BFS, BG

Family Muscidae (House Flies and kin)

Family Muscidae, unidentified aquatic sp. (a muscid fly) Toad pond BFS, BG

Family Sarcophagidae (Flesh Flies)

Agria sp. (a flesh fly) pHake Lake
Family Sarcophagidae, unidentified sp. (a flesh fly) Gravel BFS, BG

Family Stratiomyidae (Soldier Flies)

Stratiomys maculosa (a soldier fly) Yerba Santa, Artemisia BFS, BG
Hermetia sp. (a soldier fly) Prickly Pear BFS, BG

Family Syrphidae (Syrphid Flies)

Allograpta obliqua Common Oblique Syrphid Toyon, Laurel sumac BFS, BG, CP
Copestylum sp. (a syrphid fly) Buckwheat, Laurel sumac, Pine-Bush BFS, BG, CP
Copestylum marginatum (a syrphid fly) BFS, BG
Copestylum mexicanum Mexican Cactus Fly Senecio, Pine-Bush BFS, BG, CP
Copestylum satur (a syrphid fly) Buckwheat, Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Eristalis hirta (a drone fly) Coyote Bush BFS, BG, CP
Eristalinus taeniops (a band-eyed drone fly) Buckwheat, Pine-bush BFS, BG, CP
Eupeodes volucris Bird Hover Fly Artemisia, Cryptantha BFS, BG, CP
Nausigaster unimaculata (a syrphid fly) Scale-broom BFS, BG
Orthonevra flukei (a syrphid fly) Reeds at lake edge BFS, BG
Palpada alhambra (a syrphid fly) In a spider web, Laurel sumac, Pine-Bush, Buckwheat, Baccharis BFS, BG
Palpada mexicana (a syrphid fly) Pine-bush BFS, BG, CP
Paragus sp. (a syrphid fly) BG, CP
Pseudodoros clavatus (Four-spotted Aphid Fly) Yerba Santa, Scale-Broom, Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Sphaerophoria sulphuripes (a syrphid fly) BFS, BG, CP
Spilomyia interrupta (a syrphid fly) Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Syritta pipiens (a syrphid fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Toxomerus marginatus (a syrphid fly) BFS, BG, CP

Family Tachinidae (Tachinid Flies)

Cylindromyia sp. (a tachinid fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Subfamily Dexiinae

possibly Ptilodexia

(a tachinid fly) Dried brome BFS, BG
Gymnosoma sp. (a tachinid fly) Cotton-thorn BFS, BG, CP
Peleteria sp. (a tachinid fly)   BFS, BG, CP
Family Tachinidae, Unidentified sp. (tachinid flies)   BFS, BG
Trichopoda sp. (a feather-legged fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Trichopoda pennipes (a feather-legged fly) Buckwheat BFS, BG

Family Tephritidae (Fruit Flies)

Ceratitis capitata Mediterranean Fruit Fly Cattails BFS, BG, CP
Trupanea jonesi (a fruit fly)   BFS, BG

Family Therevidae (Stiletto Flies)

Nebritus pellucidus (a stiletto fly) Brush BFS, BG

Family Tipulidae (Crane Flies)

Tipula sp. (a crane fly)   BFS, BG, CP
Tipula silvestra (a crane fly)   BG

Family Ulidiidae (Picture-winged Flies)

Diacrita costalis (a picture-winged fly) Prickly-Pear BFS, BG
Notogramma sp. (a picture-winged fly) Cholla BFS, BG

Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies & moths) – Butterflies

Family Hesperiidae (Skippers)

Heliopetes ericetorum Northern White Skipper BFS, BG, CP
Erynnis funeralis Funereal Duskywing BFS, BG, CP
Erynnis propertius Propertius Duskywing BFS, BG, CP
Erynnis tristis Mournful Duskywing BFS, BG, CP
Hylephila phyleus Fiery Skipper BFS, BG, CP
Poanes melane Umber Skipper BFS, BG, CP
Pyrgus albescens White Checkered-Skipper BFS, BG, CP

Family Lycaenidae (Blues, Coppers, Hairstreaks, Harvesters)

Atlides halesus Great Purple Hairstreak Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Brephidium exilis Western Pygmy-Blue Aster BFS, BG, CP
Callophrys dumetorum Lotus Hairstreak BFS, BG
Callophrys augustinus Brown Elfin pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Celastrina echo echo Pacific Azure Mustard BFS, BG, CP
Echinargus isola Reakirt's Blue BFS, BG, CP
Euphilotes bernardino

Or possibly Euphilotes battoides

Bernardino Dotted Blue BFS, BG, CP
Hemiargus ceraunus Ceraunus Blue BFS, BG
Leptotes marina Marine Blue BFS, BG, CP
Plebejus acmon Acmon Blue BFS, BG, CP
Satyrium auretorum

Identification tentative

Gold Hunter's Hairstreak Lake edge BG, CP
Strymon melinus Gray Hairstreak BFS, BG, CP

Family Nymphalidae (Brushfooted Butterflies)

Agraulis vanillae Gulf Fritillary BFS, BG, CP
Danaus gilippus Queen Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Danaus plexippus Monarch Milkweed BFS, BG, CP
Junonia coenia Buckeye BFS, BG, CP
Nymphalis antiopa Mourning Cloak BFS, BG, CP
Vanessa annabella West Coast Lady BFS, BG, CP
Vanessa atalanta Red Admiral BFS, BG, CP
Vanessa cardui Painted lady BFS, BG, CP
Vanessa virginiensis American lady BFS, BG, CP

Family Papilionidae (Swallowtails, Parnassians)

Battus philenor Pipevine Swallowtail BFS, BG, CP
Papilio eurymedon Pale Tiger Swallowtail BFS, BG, CP
Papilio polyxenes coloro Desert Black Swallowtail BFS, BG
Papilio rumiko Western Giant Swallowtail BFS, BG
Papilio rutulus Western Tiger Swallowtail BFS, BG, CP

Family Pieridae (Whites, Sulphurs, Yellows)

Abaeis nicippe Sleepy Orange BFS, BG, CP
Anthocharis sara Sara Orange-tip BFS, BG, CP
Colias eurytheme Orange Sulphur BFS, BG, CP
Colias harfordii Harford’s Sulphur Deerweed BFS, BG, CP
Phoebis sennae Cloudless Sulphur Mud at pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Pieris rapae Cabbage White BFS, BG, CP
Pontia protodice Checkered White BFS, BG, CP

Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies & moths) – Moths

Family Adelidae (Fairy Moths)

Cauchas sp. (a fairy moth) Camissoniopsis BFS, BG, CP

Family Crambidae (Crambid Snout Moths)

Agriphila attenuatus (a crambid snout moth) Rhus aromatica BFS, BG, CP
Crambus sperryellus (a crambid snout moth) Dry brome BFS, BG, CP
Nomophila nearctica Lucerne Moth Brome, east field BFS, BG, CP
Pyrausta laticlavia Southern Purple Mint Moth Yerba Santa BFS, BG, CP

Family Elachistidae (Grass Miner Moths)

Ethmia arctostaphylella (a bird-dropping moth) Yerba Santa BFS, BG, CP

Family Erebidae (Erebid Moths)

Catocala sp. (an underwing) pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP
Catocala junctura Joined Underwing classroom BFS, BG
Caenurgia togataria (an erebid moth) Dead grass & Amsinckia BFS, BG, CP
Drasteria divergens (an erebid moth) Deerweed BFS, BG, CP
Drasteria ochracea (an erebid moth) litter, behind garage BFS, BG

Family Geometridae (Geometrid Moths)

Digrammia sp.

Possibly D. californiaria

(a geometrid moth) BFS, BG
Digrammia irrorata (a geometrid moth) Island in pHake Lake BFS, BG
Neoterpes edwardsata (a geometrid moth) live oak by field house BFS, BG, CP
Pero macdunnoughi McDunnough's Pero blacklight BFS, BG
Plataea californiaria (a geometrid moth) Artemisia, blacklight BFS, BG
Speranza austrinata (a geometrid moth) Grass BFS, BG

Family Noctuidae (Owlet Moths)

Euxoa auxiliaris Army Cutworm Moth caterpillar in burn area BFS, BG
Megalographa biloba

Formerly Autographa biloba

Bilobed Looper BFS, BG, CP
Spodoptera exigua Small Mottled Willow Moth blacklight BFS, BG, CP
Schinia buta (an owlet moth) California Aster & dried Artemisia BFS, BG

Family Plutellidae

Plutella xylostella Diamondback Moth Grass, brittlebush BFS, BG, CP

Family Pyralidae (Pyralid Moths)

Elasmopalpus lignosellus Lesser Cornstalk Borer Brome BFS, BG, CP

Family Sesiidae (Clearwing Moths)

Melittia gloriosa Glorious Squash Vine Borer Toyon with Marah BFS, BG, CP
Paranthrene robiniae Western Poplar Clearwing Mule Fat BFS, BG, CP
Synanthedon polygoni Buckwheat Root Borer Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Family Sphingidae (Sphinx Moths)

Hyles lineata White-lined Sphinx Larvae on Mirabilis BFS, BG, CP

Family Tortricidae (Tortricid Moths)

Eucosma sp. (a torticid moth) Artemisia BFS, BG, CP

Order Hymenoptera (Ants, bees, & wasps) – Ants

Family Formicidae (Ants)

Brachymyrmex depilis pitfall trap AW, BG
Camponotus sp. (sayi?) (a carpenter ant) AW, BG, CP
Dorymyrmex sp. (a pyramid ant) AW, BG
Dorymyrmex insanus (a pyramid ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Forelius mccooki (an odorous ant) pitfall trap AW
Forelius pruinosus (an odorous ant) On ground near wash AW, BG
Linepithema humile Argentinian Ant Lakeside, Amherst Dr., pitfall trap BFS, AW, BG, CP
Messor andrei (a smooth harvester ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Messor chamberlini (a smooth harvester ant) pitfall trap AW
Messor smithi (a smooth harvester ant) AW
Myrmecocystus sp. (a honeypot ant) nest in ground BFS, AW, BG
Myrmecocystus mimicus (a honeypot ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Myrmecocystus testaceus (a honeypot ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Myrmecocystus wheeleri (a honeypot ant) buckwheat, pitfall trap BFS, AW, BG
Pheidole cerebrosior (a big-headed ant) pitfall trap AW
Pheidole hyatti (a big-headed ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Pheidole pilifera (a big-headed ant) pitfall trap AW, BG
Pogonomyrmex californicus California Harvester Ant General BFS, AW, BG, CP
Prenolepis imparis False Honey Ant under bark of burned Elderberry BFS, AW, BG
Solenopsis amblychila (or aurea?) (a fire ant) AW, BG
Solenopsis molesta (sensu lato) Thief Ant AW, BG
Solenopsis xyloni Southern Fire Ant pitfall trap AW, BG
Stenamma MGB101 pitfall trap AW
Stenamma MGB102 pitfall trap AW
Temnothorax andrei (an acorn ant) pitfall trap AW
Temnothorax chandleri (or nitens?) (an acorn ant) AW
Temnothorax nevadensis (an acorn ant) pitfall trap AW, BG

Family Mutillidae (Velvet Ants)

Dasymutilla sackenii Sacken’s Velvet Ant BG, CP

Order Hymenoptera (Ants, bees, & wasps) – Bees

Family Andrenidae (Mining Bees)

Andrena sp. (a mining bee) Phacelia, Blue Dicks BFS, BG, CP
Andrena (subgenus Diandrena) sp. (a mining bee) BG
Andrena palpalis (a mining bee) Phacelia distans BFS, BG
Calliopsis barbata Bearded Nomadopsis Phacelia BFS, BG
Perdita sp. (a mining bee) Cryptantha BFS, BG, CP
Perdita ericameriae (a mining bee) Pine-Bush BFS, BG
Perdita interrupta (a mining bee) BG
Perdita (subgenus Perdita) (ventralis species group) (a mining bee) Toyon BFS, BG
Perdita rhois (a mining bee) buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Family Apidae (Cuckoo, Carpenter, Digger, Bumble, and Honey Bees)

Anthophora californica California Anthophora Penstemon BFS, BG, CP
Anthophora curta (an anthophorine bee) Threadleaf Ragwort BFS, BG
Anthophora pacifica (a digger bee) Island in pHake Lake BFS, BG
Anthophora urbana (an anthophorine bee) Pine-Bush BFS, BG, CP
Apis mellifera European Honey Bee Many flowers, hives, lake edge BFS, BG, CP
Bombus melanopygus Black-tailed Bumble Bee Black sage, Amsinkia BFS, BG, CP
Bombus vosnesenskii Yellow-faced Bumble Bee Deerweed, Amsinckia, Phacelia, Black Sage, Yerba Santa, etc. BFS, BG, CP
Centris pallida Pallid Bee Palo Verde BFS, BG, CP
Ceratina arizonensis (small carpenter bee) Buckwheat, BFS, BG
Ceratina (subgenus Zadontomerus) (small carpenter bee) Buckwheat, Cryptantha, Phacelia, Aster, Valley Lessingia, Scale-Broom BFS, BG, CP
Diadasia (australis species group) (a cactus bee) Cane Cholla BFS, BG
Diadasia bituberculata (a chimney bee) Bindweed BFS, BG
Epeolus sp. (a cuckoo bee) BG
Tribe Eucerini, unidentified sp. (a long-horned bee) Prickly-Pear BFS, BG
Habropoda depressa BG, CP
Melecta separata callura (a cuckoo bee) A. pacifica nests BFS, BG
Melissodes sp. (a long-horned bee) Valley Lessingia BFS, BG, CP
Melissodes (subgenus Melissodes) sp. (a long-horned bee) Prickly-Pear BFS, BG
Nomada (vegana species group)

resembles N. texana

(a cuckoo bee) Dove Weed BFS, BG
Subfamily Nomadinae (cuckoo bees) Open ground BFS, BG
Oreopasites sp. (cuckoo bees) Camissoniopsis BFS, BG
Peponapis pruinosa Pruinose Squash Bee Calabazilla BFS, BG, CP
Triepeolus (verbesinae species group)

Possibly Triepeolus callopus

(a cuckoo bee) BFS, BG
Townsendiella rufiventris (a cuckoo bee) BFS, BG
Xeromelecta californica California Xeromelecta Scale-Broom BFS, BG
Xylocopa californica California Carpenter Bee Pemstemon BFS, BG, CP
Xylocopa tabaniformis orpifex Mountain Carpenter Bee Penstemon BFS, BG, CP
Xylocopa varipuncta Valley Carpenter Bee Penstemon, Datura, Calabazilla, Ribes aureum BFS, BG, CP

Family Colletidae (Plasterer Bees, Masked or Yellow-faced Bees)

Colletes sp. (a cellophane bee) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Colletes californicus (a cellophane bee) Buckwheat
Colletes lutzi monticola (a cellophane bee)
Colletes slevini Slevin’s Cellophane Bee Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Hylaeus sp. (a yellow-masked bee) Horkelia BFS, BG
Hylaeus polifolii (a yellow-masked bee) Cudweed BFS, BG

Family Halictidae (Sweat Bees)

Agapostemon sp. (a metallic green bee) BFS, BG, CP
Agapostemon texanus (a metallic green bee) Threadleaf Ragwort BFS, BG, CP
Conanthalictus (Conanthalictus) sp. (a sweat bee) BG
Conanthalictus (Phaceliapis) sp.

likely C. bakeri

(a sweat bee) Phacelia BFS, BG
Dufourea sp. (a sweat bee) Cryptantha, Camissoniopsis, Phacelia, Blue Dicks BFS, BG, CP
Dufourea davidsoni (a sweat bee)
Dufourea mulleri (a sweat bee) BFS, BG
Family Halictidae, unidentified sp. (a sweat bee) BFS, BG
Halictus farinosus (a sweat bee) BFS, BG, CP
Halictus ligatus (a sweat bee) BFS, BG, CP
Halictus tripartitus (a sweat bee) BFS, BG, CP
Lasioglossum sp. (a sweat bee) Forestiera pubescens BFS, BG, CP
Lasioglossum (Dialictus) sp. (a sweat bee) Blue Dicks BFS, BG, CP
Lasioglossum (Evylaeus) sp. (a sweat bee) BG
Lasioglossum (Lasioglossum) sisymbrii sp. (a sweat bee) BG
Sphecodes sp. (a sweat bee) BG, CP

Family Megachilidae (Leaf-cutter Bees, Mason Bees, and allies)

Tribe Anthidiini (a megachilid bee) BG
Anthidium illustre (a leaf-cutter bee) Bee house BFS, BG
Ashmeadiella sp. (a leaf-cutter bee) Threadleaf Ragwort BFS, BG
Atoposmia (Hexosmia) copelandica spp. arefacta (an osmiine bee)
Chelostoma sp. (an osmiine bee) BG
Chelostoma (subgenus Foveosmia) (an osmiine bee) Phacelia BFS, BG
Chelostoma californicum (an osmiine bee) Phacelia BFS, BG
Dianthidium sp. (a megachilid bee) BFS, BG
Hoplitis sp. (an osmiine bee) Phacelia BFS, BG
Hoplitis (subgenus Alcidamea) (an osmiine bee) Horkelia BFS, BG
Hoplitis (Proteriades) nanula (an osmiine bee)
Megachile (subgenus Chelostomoides) (a leaf-cutter bee) BFS, BG
Megachile (subgenus Megachiloides) (a leaf-cutter bee) Encelia farinosa BFS, BG
Subfamily Megachilinae Horkelia BFS, BG
Osmia sp. (an orchard bee) Penstemon BFS, BG, CP
Osmia (Chenosmia group including very bright metallic green or blue Osmia) (a mason bee) BFS, BG
Osmia clarescens (a mason bee) BG
Osmia coloradensis (a mason bee) BFS, BG
Osmia cyanella (a mason bee) BG
Osmia glauca (a mason bee) BG
Osmia (subgenus Melanosmia) (a mason bee) BFS, BG
Stelis sp. (a cleptoparasite bee) BG

Family Melittidae (Melittid Bees)

Hesperapis sp. (a melittid bee) BFS, BG

Order Hymenoptera (Ants, bees, & wasps) – Wasps

Family Bethylidae (Bee Wolves & Sand Wasps)

Goniozus sp. (a parasitic wasp) Doveweed BFS, BG

Family Crabronidae (Bee Wolves & Sand Wasps)

Cerceris sp. (a crabronid wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Subtribe Crabronina (a square-headed wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Eucerceris sp. (a crabronid wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Eucerceris provancheri (a crabronid wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP
Subtribe Gastrosericina (a square-headed wasp) Lake edge BFS, BG
Subtribe Gorytina (a sand wasp) Lake edge BFS, BG, CP
Philanthus gibbosus (a beewolf) Scale-Broom BFS, BG
Philanthus multimaculatus Pacific Burrowing Wasp Buckwheat, Croton BFS, BG
Philanthus sp.

not P. multimaculatus

(a beewolf) Buckwheat BFS, BG, CP

Family Cynipidae (Gall Wasps)

Andricus californicus California Oak Apple Gall Wasp Oak apple gall BFS

Family Eucharitidae

Orasema occidentalis (a chalcidoid wasp) Horkelia cuneata BFS, BG

Family Eurytomidae

Family Eurytomidae, unidentified sp. (a eurytomid wasp) Horkelia cuneata BFS, BG

Family Gasteruptiidae (Carrot Wasps)

Gasteruption kaweahense (a carrot wasp) Horkelia BFS, BG

Family Ichneumonidae (Ichneumon Wasps)

Anomalon sp. (an icheneumon wasp) Scale-Broom BFS, BG
Subfamily Ophioninae (an icheneumon wasp) Blacklight BFS, BG
Subfamily Campopleginae (an icheneumon wasp) BFS, BG

Family Leucospidae (Leucospid Wasps)

Leucospis affinis (a leucospid wasp) Cobwebby Thistle BFS, BG, CP

Family Pompilidae (Spider Wasps)

Aporus sp. (a spider wasp) BFS, BG
Aporus hirsutus (a spider wasp) BFS, BG
Pepsis sp. Tarantula Hawk Milkweed BFS, BG, CP
Family Pompilidae, unidentified sp. (a spider wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Tachypompilus unicolor Tarantula Hawk Buckwheat BFS, BG

Family Scoliidae (Scoliid Wasps)

Crioscolia alcione (a scoliid wasp) BFS, BG, CP

Family Sphecidae (Thread-waisted Wasps)

Ammophila sp. (a thread-waisted wasp) Sand and gravel path BFS, BG, CP
Tribe Bembicini (a sand wasp) digging in sand BFS, BG
Prionyx sp.

Possibly Prionyx parkeri

(a thread-waisted wasp) Dried brome BFS, BG
Prionyx parkeri (a thread-waisted wasp) Buckwheat BFS, BG
Sphex ichneumoneus Great Golden Digger Wasp BFS, BG, CP
Sphex lucae (a thread-waisted wasp) BFS, BG
Sphex pensylvanicus Great Black Wasp BFS, BG
Sceliphron caementarium Black and Yellow Mud Dauber Mud at pHake Lake BFS, BG, CP

Family Tenthredinidae (Common Sawflies)

Filacus sp. (a sawfly) Phacelia BFS, BG
Pontania californica Willow Apple Gall Sawfly BFS, BG, CP
Family Tenthredinidae, unidentified sp. (a sawfly) Phacelia BFS, BG

Family Tiphiidae (Tiphiid Wasps)

Subfamily Tiphiinae (a tiphiid wasp) Scale-Broom BFS, BG

Family Vespidae (Yellowjackets, Paper Wasps, and Hornets; Potter, Mason and Pollen Wasps)

Leptochilus sp. (a eumenid wasp) BFS, BG
Polistes apachus (a paper wasp) BFS, BG
Polistes aurifer Golden Paper Wasp BFS, BG, CP
Polistes fuscatus Northern Paper Wasp BG, CP
Pseudomasaris coquilletti (a pollen wasp) Phacelia BFS, BG, CP
Pseudomasaris edwardsii (a pollen wasp) Phacelia BFS, BG
Pseudomasaris vespoides (a pollen wasp) Penstemon BFS, BG
Vespula pensylvanica Western Yellowjacket BFS, BG, CP


Links to Photos and Descriptions:
BFS = Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station. Most of the invertebrates were photographed at the BFS or collected at the BFS and photographed in the lab. Additional photographs taken elsewhere have been generously provided to the BFS by Claremont Colleges faculty, students, and staff, and additional photographers.
AW = AntWeb, a site that provides tools for exploring the diversity and identification of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Hosted by The California Academy of Sciences
BG = BugGuide. Identification, images, and information for insects, spiders and their kin for the United States and Canada. Hosted by Iowa State University Entomology.
CP = CalPhotos, Digital Library Project, UC Berkeley. Clicking the CalPhotos link for a listing will return a display of all photos for that taxon. If you want to use any of these photos, be sure to check the guidelines for Using the Photos in CalPhotos

© 2001-2016 Bernard Field Station Faculty Advisory Committee
Page last updated 18 January 2016 by Nancy Hamlett.