BFS Use Request Form

for Uses Other than Research or Courses

Please review the Rules and Operating Procedures before submitting this form.

Note that use of the BFS is primarily for Claremont Colleges students and faculty. Faculty from other colleges and universities or qualified individuals from other organizations may apply to use the BFS, but such use must be approved by the BFS Director, so please apply well in advance of the desired use date. Projects or activities involving habitat alteration or collecting will require additional approvals. Community groups wishing to use the BFS should phone the BFS Director at 909-398-1751 to discuss the proposed use before submitting a request form.

All BFS visitors who are not students or employees of the Claremont Colleges must sign waivers, which area available here.

This form is only for non-course, non-research uses. For course or research use, please use the Course Request Form or the Research Request Form, as appropriate.

User Information
Name: Required

First and last name

College or Organization: Required

If you are not from the Claremont Colleges, please state the name or your college, university, or organization

E-Mail: Required

Full e-mail address, e.g.,

Phone: College or work phone: Required
Other Phone: Optional
You are a...? If other, please state: Required
Supervisor — students must complete this section
Supervising Faulty Member: Faculty member’s name:

If your advisor’s college isn’t listed, enter the name in the box above.

Faculty member’s E-mail address:
Faculty member’s college phone:

NOTE: Your supervising faculty member will receive an e-mail copy of the form you submit. The faculty member must reply with a statement that he or she has reviewed, approves, and agrees to supervise your submitted activity before your project can be approved.

Additional Personnel
Please list names and email addresses for any additional project personnel who may be working at the BFS independently (i.e., in the absence of the instructor or advisor). It there are more than four, please email the names and email addresses to the Director.
#1 Name:

Full e-mail address, e.g.,

#2 Name:
#3 Name:
#4 Name:

Project/Activity Information
Dates: Start Date: / / calendar     End Date: / / calendar
Frequency: Required
Select frequency and explain if "other"
Time of Day : Check as many times as apply (Required) :
6 am - 9 am
9 am - 12 noon
12 noon - 5 pm
5 pm - 8 pm
8 pm - 6 am *
varies - please explain:
*You will be contacted regarding special procedures for any night work.
Areas: Refer to the map at the right and check the boxes or click on the map to select the areas you will use (Required):
Map of BFS use areas 1 (western CSS)
2 (central CSS)
3 (pHake Lake)
4 (vernal pools)
5 (eastern CSS)
6 (oak forest along drive)
7 ("corner")
8 (classroom/infirmary area)
9 (north field)
10 (south field)
11 (lower neck)
12 (central neck)
13 (upper neck)
Western CSS Central CSS pHake Lake Vernal Pools Eastern CSS Oak Forest Corner Classroom/Infirmary Area North Field South Field Lower Neck Central Neck Upper Neck
Facilities: Check any facilities or equipment you will need:
Outdoor classroom
Other facilities or equipment needs or additional explanation:
Species: Will you be studying any plant or animal species?
Yes -- if yes list the scientific names of the species below.
If they have common names list those as well.
If yes -- listing names is required or your request can not be processed.
Collecting: Will any plants or animals be collected?
Yes -- if yes please state the approximate sample size, including number of samples or specimens and, if samples are not whole organisms, the amount of the sample, and justify the sample size in terms of questions being asked, analytical methods used, and expected sample variance. If yes -- required or your request can not be processed.
Vertebrate Animals: Will vertebrate animals be collected or manipulated?
No Yes -- you must provide the BFS with a copy of your Anaimal Care Committee approval before your project can be approved. Contact Wallace Meyer ( or 909-398-1751) for further instructions.
Markings and Flags: No Yes -- please describe below.
If yes -- listing markings is required or your request can not be processed.

NOTE: You must remove all markings and flags at the end of your project!
Project/Activity Description: Describe the proposed project or activity:

Final Report:
Report : Copies of all reports and publications resulting from research conducted at the BFS are to be submitted to the BFS Project Coordinator. You may submit your final report either electronically or as hard copy.

Human Check: Just to make sure that you are a human entering real data in to this form and not some kind of evil Internet robot we ask that you please answer this simple math problem below:

0 + 5 + 0 =

Send Request
IMPORTANT NOTE By submitting this request you agree to abide by the rules and procedures of the Robert J. Bernard Biological Field Station.